“经”字的笔画和五行属性: 【经】,的部首为「纟」,总笔画数为10画。 拼音:jīng 繁体字:經 汉字结构:上下结构 五行:金
『经』的基本解释: 经 jīng 指织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:经纱。经线。经纬。 织物的横线叫“纬”,其相应的汉字部件为“韦”。古代称纵横交错像棋盘似的格子叫做“经”或“经纬”。
【经】的英译: 经 Jing
1.a textbook or sacred book; scripture 经文;佛经 The Five Books of Moses are the first five books in the Old Testament and contain the Ten Commandments.摩西五经 《圣经·旧约全书》的前五卷包括十诫。
2.a series that is arranged from top to bottom: a vertical line on a graph 经条;竖条纹 A vertical row of words on a page. 一页上的竖排文字。
3.the principal direction in which an object moves; the main direction of motion 径;路线;航道;公路 The direct path between two points. 两点间的直线距离。
4.a way of doing something: manner, method 方法;方式 We can't do it this way again. 我们不能再这样做了。
5.one's life experience: life, existence 人生经验 One's total knowledge accumulated through one's own experiences. 人一生中所积累的全部知识。
6.the state of being true 真实性 It is important for us to have accurate information about the facts of the matter. 我们须对事情的真相有个准确的认识。
7.an account of events 历史;记录;叙述 History told by writing down what happened at key moments in time. 对重要事件进行记录 history written in chronological order. 按年代顺序书写的历史。